Intelligent patience

How to have resilience and practice the art of intelligent waiting. The movie Karate Kid comes to my mind. The young man is impatient and wants to learn martial arts quickly, the teacher is patient. The conclusion - a reward...

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Time to quit

When quitting is the best option? Abandoning one path for another may bring greater rewards. Far from failure, pivoting can lead to success. I will give some nice examples of “positive quitting”. Twitter started as a podcasting...

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Philosophy in business

If you could choose to be a fox or a hedgehog, which would you rather be? Have you heard about the hedgehog concept? It is based on an ancient Greek parable that states, "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big...

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How psychology positive relates to successful entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is the ability to develop, structure and run a business, along with any uncertainties to make a profit. An article published in the Economist in...

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You might have anxiety because of uncertainty. When we predict with high confidence, it free us to adjust, feel sadness, accept, and prepare accordingly. Anxiety can be reduced by improving your prediction and increasing your...

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To give context

Giving context drives the atitude we have in every situation. Nothing is obvious. Context gives us the possibility to connect dots. When starting new relationships, it’s important to give context of your story and to understand...

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Time Management

How to prioritize and organize ourselves with a limited amount of time? Youtube film maker Casey Neistat was asked by Nike to make a short film about what it means to #makeitcount. Casey spent the budget traveling around the...

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To plan or not to plan?

If you don’t know what you looking for, you will never know when you find it. We can’t control most of the outcomes, but we can influence them. The very essence of life: we must expect the unexpected! For many of us, planning...

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How hobbies can improve your mental health? I used to love painting classes when I was eight. 25 years later, I started doodling and painting as a hobby. To explain my joyful moment coloring, I found a good explanation from...

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