The power of a team
Lessons from Chicago Bulls and life partnerships The Magic of Teams In his book The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle dissects the DNA of…
To plan or not to plan
If you don’t know what you looking for, you will never know when you find it. We can’t control most of the outcomes, but we can influence…
Time Management
How to prioritize and organize ourselves with a limited amount of time? Youtube film maker Casey Neistat was asked by Nike to make a short…
To give context
Giving context drives the atitude we have in every situation. Nothing is obvious. Context gives us the possibility to connect dots. When…
Time to quit
Far from failure, pivoting can lead to success When quitting is the best option? Abandoning one path for another may bring greater……
The power of believing something could happen involves a mix of values such as faith, confidence, trust, persistence, resilience and…
Dear ping pong ball
A little poem :) Ready for the game! Here I am, holding you in my hands, ready for the day of play. I’ve practiced a lot, putting all my…
Intelligent Patience
How to have resilience and practice the art of intelligent waiting. The movie Karate Kid comes to mind, where a young man eager to learn…