Coming Soon

Our scents hold stories

We believe that nothing is as unique and personal as a story well-told. We welcome you to breathe our stories.

The florist cabin

Inspired by the words of Thoreau in his book “Walden,” a florist and their faithful dog decided to leave the busy city behind and find peace in a small wooden cabin deep in the calm forest. They wanted a simpler life, so they decorated their cabin with only the things they truly needed. Their cabin had a lovely view of a peaceful lake that greeted them every morning.

Every day, the florist took care of their beautiful garden, tending to vibrant flowers that added color and happiness to their quiet home. Among these flowers, the centifolia rose was the florist’s favorite. Its delicate petals and sweet scent filled the air, bringing a sense of peace and beauty.

When the day turned to evening, the florist went to their comfortable bed. A gentle breeze carried the lovely scent of the centifolia rose, mingling with the warm smell of the wooden cabin. Breathing in this wonderful mix, the florist’s worries melted away, replaced by a deep feeling of thankfulness for the life they had chosen. With a happy smile, they fell into a peaceful sleep, surrounded by the comforting fragrance that hung in the air.

Us and the sea

The sun began to rise in the sky, casting a golden light over the beach. The grandmother, with her silver hair glistening in the sun, walked hand in hand with her granddaughter. – “Grandma, what do you feel when you see the sea?”

The grandmother smiled, her eyes gleaming with memories of countless moments by the beach. “The sea comforts me in joy and in sadness, my dear. I inherited that from my mother. Even the sorrowful sea is beautiful. It comforts me, embraces me, and makes me feel lighter.”

They continued to walk, listening to the gentle sound of the waves breaking on the shore and feeling the salty breeze caress their faces. It was one of those rare moments when time seemed to slow down, allowing the grandmother and granddaughter to connect with nature and each other.

As the clock neared 9 a.m., the grandmother and granddaughter found an inviting shade under a large palm tree. The grandmother had a cold beer in her hand, and the granddaughter had a fresh coconut water.

The soothing sound of the sea filled their ears, and the scent of the sea breeze filled the air. The grandmother raised her beer in a silent toast to the sea, and the granddaughter followed suit with her coconut water.

As the day unfolded, they shared childhood stories, dreams, and secrets, strengthening the bond that united them. The sea, with its constant waves and endless horizon, seemed to be the guardian of all their memories.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, they knew that this special day at the beach had been a journey of spiritual enrichment, a celebration of the beauty of life, and the deep connection between grandmother and granddaughter. And under the spectacle of the sunset, they embraced, knowing that these moments would be cherished forever.

My dear daughter

My beloved daughter, at 8 years old, you’re growing up right before my eyes, bringing me a mix of joy, wonder, and a touch of apprehension. As you spread your wings, trust in the process. While the world may sometimes reveal its harshness and negativity, never let go of hope. Allow me to share some advice with you.

Always spread kindness

Love deeply and let yourself be loved. Dont be afraid to be heartbroken. The ones who dont go through their feelings, dont overcome them.

Love comes in all sorts of shapes. Find and bring love wherever you go.

Be the designer of your own life.

Don’t be afraid to stand for your values.

Trust your feelings and always  follow your heart. The universe gives us signs to move towards our best journey.

The poet's mother

Upon the page, with ink so bright, A daughter shares her life’s delight. To her dear mom, a heartfelt note, Of growing up and dreams that float.

“I’ve journeyed far, seen much unknown, With each step, I’ve surely grown. You taught me kindness, love so strong, To face life’s joy and sorrow’s song.

‘Don’t fear the world,’ you said to me, ‘Within its dark, find light to see.’ You were right, dear mother mine, Life’s a mix of sweet and bitter.

Your words of wisdom, from years before, Gave me strength, opened the door. At forty-four, I stand with pride, A writer now, with dreams to ride.

I left my corporate banking days behind me, I took my flight, Into the realm of words. Though the path ahead may be unclear, Gratitude fills me, year after year.

For every twist and turn, I’m grateful too, For lessons learned and joys anew. My profession now uncertain, free, But lucky, oh so lucky, to be me.

Thank you, mother, for your guide, Through life’s journey, side by side. In endings, I find a new start, A writer’s rhythm in my heart.”