Small decisions taken everyday take you to your destiny. If you don’t plan where you are going, you will find yourself anywhere.
To plan the journey to our destination, first we need to understand and accept where we are now. We have very little control over things, but we can control our mindset.
1. Use your past to boost you, but don’t live in it.
2. Detach from unhealthy habits and relationships.
3. Have courage not fear. Get used to live outside of your comfort zone.
4. Dreaming big and small take the same amount of time. Think on the life you want to have. Write in details.
5. Be consistent, have one plan that you stick with it (not multiples), have discipline.
6. Be flexible and redesign the plan when needed. Create an entrepreneur mindset for your life.
7. Don’t over complicate. Things look complex, but it is part of our work to make it simpler.
8. Don’t take yourself too much seriously. Have fun 🙂