If you don’t know what you looking for, you will never know when you find it.
We can’t control most of the outcomes, but we can influence them.
The very essence of life: we must expect the unexpected!
For many of us, planning ahead is a way to manage stress and to ensure we have control over our future. But what happens when major events scupper those plans or the better output is not to plan?
According to U.S. News and World Report, 80 percent of all New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February! When we fail, we may think that we simply didn’t try hard enough or desire our goal enough.
However, the truth is that success is the result of simple, productive actions repeated consistently over time.
Quoting the American author Napoleon Hill, “a goal is a dream with a deadline”. So when you write your dreams down, include dates. 80 percent of everything we do tends to get done in the last 20 percent of our available time. If we don’t set a deadline, our dreams may never become reality.