
The protagonist

Set your goals and become the protagonist of your own narrative.

To shape your life story according to your desires, take the reins and steer it in the direction you want.

Two renowned theatrical productions, “Punchdrunk” and “Sleep no More,” captivate audiences by immersing them in the action. Instead of passively sitting in their seats, viewers actively follow the unfolding scenes across various locations.

Only by closely tracking the protagonists can they truly optimize their experience, although even a partial engagement still provides enjoyment.

This parallel can be drawn to our own lives. At times, we find ourselves stuck in moments or situations that don’t align with the life we truly desire. Whether it’s remaining in toxic relationships or engaging in pointless arguments, there are instances where we need to deviate from these paths and seek an alternative route.

In a similar vein, this article delves into the art of screenwriting, exploring the stories found in books and movies. At their core, these narratives revolve around a central character striving to achieve a particular goal.

“It’s a personal growth trajectory. Facing obstacles, making friends, colliding with enemies and learning on the way. The protagonist attains the goal by overcoming its flaws and changing on the way.”

“Stories are our way of making sense of life and drawing deeper meaning from it. We use movies and books to understand our lives, as well as our own reflections. We are all storytellers. Intentionally or non-intentionally we always create stories because without them our lives seem random and meaningless. It’s important how we shape our narratives and where we place ourselves in them.”

Nihan kucukural

In life, you are in charge of your own destiny. You are the main character, not a helpless victim. You have the power to make choices, take action, and determine your own well-being. Your decisions, both good and bad, shape the course of your story. You don’t just react to things that happen to you; you actively create your own path.

When facing uncertain situations or contemplating leaving a specific circumstance, it’s normal to feel lost or insecure. It’s important to pay attention to the details but not get too caught up in them. The past may hold valuable clues that can guide you towards the best path for your journey.

Imagine your life as a blank page waiting to be written. You have the opportunity to craft your own story.

And if you find that you’re not satisfied with the current plot-line, remember that you can always rewrite it 🙂